Daniel Craig Luca Guadagnino William S.Burroughs Usa county Lee county Drew city Mexico City county Craig film Rights lgbtq queer man STARS beautiful Daniel Craig Luca Guadagnino William S.Burroughs Usa county Lee county Drew city Mexico City county Craig

Daniel Craig shines in raw and romantic ‘Queer’


In an awards season largely devoid of LGBTQ content, one movie asserts itself as the exception by its very title. Much-anticipated after its Venice Film Festival premiere, and buoyed by the buzz around star Daniel Craig’s performance and its well-publicized sex scenes, Luca Guadagnino’s “Queer” has begun rolling into theaters.

Naturally, queer cinema buffs are eager to see a move from the same filmmaker who delivered “Call Me By Your Name” and its leading man is arguably the sexiest of all the James Bonds – but if you’re expecting a feel-good story about LGBTQ Pride, this adaptation of a novella by famously countercultural “Beat era” writer William S.

Burroughs is definitely not it. Its setting in 1950s Mexico City is enough to let you know that any queerness it presents for us is likely to be furtive, conducted in secrecy and shrouded in a sense of forbidden desire.

Against this backdrop, brilliant-but-dissolute American William Lee (Craig) trolls the streets and clubs looking for sex, love, and connection among the other expatriates who gather nightly in the bars that cater to them.

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