Bishop Neophytos of Morphou, best known for his ridiculous claims about LGBTQ people, is back with a whopper. The Greek Orthodox priest was last seen on LGBTQ Nation after he claimed that if a pregnant woman has anal sex, the baby will be gay.

The group Accept – LGBTI Cyprus has released video taken at the same speech of Neophytos claiming that holy men are able to tell if a man is gay by smelling him. To illustrate his nonsense, he told a story about “a very handsome young man” and a “holy monk.”

“As he walked by… the monk said to him: ‘Young man I need to tell you. Stop what you’re doing’,” Neophytos said. “‘What am I?’ replied the young man.”

“‘This sleeping around. You’ll catch something, a disease, and die young. You should repent. There is joy in repenting’,” Neophytos narrated.

“‘How do you know what I’ve been doing?’ replied the young man.”

“‘God showed me,’ said the monk. ‘As you walked by me, you had a nasty smell. These acts you’re doing, laying with men have a specific stink which I recognize,” Neoyphytus taught in the monk’s voice. “‘This is how holy men receive information from God’.”

He went on to tell his flock that the young man was “helped by his family’s prayers and stopped his acts.”

“This young man now smells wonderful.”

After international mockery, the bishop defended his comments about pregnant women by simply saying, “I expressed the position of the Church and the position of the saints.”

Mητροπολίτης Μόρφου – conversion therapy – hate speech

————-English follows————-Οι gay αναδίδουν πνευματική ΜΠΟΧΑ! H βρομιά αυτή είναι ιδιαίτερη και διακριτή για τους αγίους ανθρώπους! Δια της προσευχής και της αποφυγής του σεξ όμως, μπορούν να αλλάξουν την μπόχα αυτή σε ευωδία και να “θεραπευτούν”! Τα λόγια αυτά αποτελούν ξεκάθαρη ρητορική μίσους αφού παρακινούν τους ανθρώπους να μας βλέπουν σαν μιασμένους, μολυσμένους και επικίνδυνους για την κοινωνία. Παράλληλα, ο εν λόγω μητροπολίτης ισχυρίζεται κάτι επιστημονικά ατεκμηρίωτο και αντιδεοντολικό: το ότι η ομοφυλοφιλία μπορεί να “θεραπευτεί” διά της πίστης και προσευχής. Πρόκειται για μια επικίνδυνη θέση που μπορεί να οδηγήσει πολλούς νέους και νέες στην αυτοκαταστροφή. Η Accept δε θα παραμείνει με σταυρωμένα τα χέρια, αφού εξετάζει νομικά μέτρα, τόσο απέναντι στη ρητορική αυτή, όσο και απέναντι στις πρακτικές μεταστροφής που πράττουν ορισμένοι ιερωμένοι. Gay people STINK spiritually! That smell is distinguish, betraying the gay people to holy men! However, if they abstain from sex and pray the gay away, they could be converted. This is a clear case of hate speech, pushing people to see us sick, filthy and dangerous to the society. At the same time, bishop claims something that it could be very harmful for young homosexual people, that homosexuality could be converted to heterosexuality through spiritual guidance.Accept will not stand by doing nothing to this hate speech and to conversion therapies of some Orthodox priests. Legal actions are being considered.

Posted by Accept – LGBTI Cyprus on Monday, July 29, 2019



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