Just how many guys say they’ve engaged in ‘chemsex’?

Just how many guys say they’ve engaged in ‘chemsex’?


Chemsex… a.k.a. PNP… a.k.a. Party And Play.

The folks over at Squirt.org decided to do a little survey about the phenomenon. Over 22,000 members participated in the query. Participants were asked about their thoughts and experiences on chemically-altered sex.

30% of respondents said they had engaged in PNP, with an additional 39% saying they could consider it. The vast majority, however, said they weren’t interested. 61% said chemsex wasn’t for them.

The survey also asked guys about their drugs of choice. 36% said they used crystal meth, followed by marijuana (19%), cocaine (13%), and ecstasy (11%).


When it came to protection and recollection of their experiences while under the influence of illicit drugs, 85.5% of respondents said they recalled everything to mostly everything and 10% said they remembered half of their experience. 4% said they remembered almost nothing and 0.5% had absolute no memory of the experience.

The survey also found that 51% of men didn’t use protection when having sex.

Watch a video of the findings below…


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