What is perhaps our very favorite time of the year is almost here. In less than 48 hours, it will be Pride Month. And now that we’ve seen Penguin menswear’s Pride Collection draped all over the dreamy, muscular frame of out comedian Matteo Lane, we’re hard-pressed to think of a better way to ring it in! 

Check out a sizzle reel for Penguin’s Pride Collection below.

Check out Penguin’s cute and festive Pride line here. The collection supports All Out, a global movement for love and equality. 

Lane is of Italian descent, and he used to be an opera singer before switching to standup. Follow him on Instagram here. He’s in various states of undress all over that page– heads up! 

Check out a sampling of his act on Colbert below. The funniest part is about his hookup with a dramatic, regretful Roman named Francesco. 

Happy Pride! 


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