queer people
The line is called Kirrin Finch.

Being a queer person reflects in all aspects of our lives. And clothes are part of life as they express how we feel and give us comfort. As a queer woman I have always found it difficult to find clothes that would reflect my style and personality, and sometimes I would end up at menswear section.

queer people
Clothes are part of life as they express how we feel and give us comfort – huffingtonpost.com

For other queer people who find it hard finding the right outfit, this new Brooklyn based clothing company will soon be producing clothes to satisfy everyone. The founders of the concept, newlyweds Laura Moffat and Kelly Sanders Moffat, say that they need this store as much as other women and genderqueer individuals. Actually, they gave birth to the project because of their own frustrations.

queer people
Being a queer person reflects in all aspects of our lives – makemefeed.com

“Both Kelly and I have always loved menswear and hated dresses and feminine clothes. But it is frustrating for us because traditional clothing stores don’t cater to our dapper style. Menswear is too big or tight in places where women need a little more room and womenswear is far too feminine,” Laura Moffat explains.

Another reason that stands behind the concept is that queer individuals deserve more options in this area too, and for some people, clothes are a way of expressing themselves, in fact, for most of the people.

“Not being able to find clothes that matched our inner core left us feeling like we were not able to fully be ourselves. By offering other women and genderqueer individuals more options to match their outside with their inside we hope more people will have the confidence to be their authentic selves,” Laura Moffat continued.

queer people
“Not being able to find clothes that matched our inner core left us feeling like we were not able to fully be ourselves.” – huffingtonpost.com

The line is called Kirrin Finch and, as Laura Moffat said, their vision “is to make people like us, including masculine of center women, tomboys and genderqueer individuals, feel completely free to express themselves in a way that matches their self-identity.”

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