
As we gear up for spending the day with family and friends, binging on food and drinks and unwrapping socks and scarves and gifts that we wish would have been cash or gift cards–there’s a lot of Christmas cheer that we can still look forward to. Tons of sexy Santas are slipping something extra under our tree–on Instagram that is. These guys in their Santa hats and skimpy holiday drawers will make us hope to find them under the mistletoe.

So instead of coming up with Christmas clapbacks for your aunt who keeps wondering why you are still single or why you haven’t found a job or why you’re significant other hasn’t come to Christmas dinner–just ignore them and take yourself to Insta for the #SexySanta and #GaySanta unwrappings that will certainly jingle your bells. Daddies, Zaddies, bears, and cuties–let the yuletide be gay!

Merry Christmas!

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What’s better than Santa ? 3 Santas ???????

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