
As we reported earlier today, the official White House website hails June as “National Homeownership Month,” “African-American Music Appreciation Month,” “National Caribbean-Ameriacn Heritage Month,” “National Ocean Month,” and “Great Outdoors Month.” However, it makes absolutely no mention of the fact that it’s also Pride month, too.

That’s just one of several reasons people are furious at Donald Trump for a tweet he sent late last night to ostensibly pay tribute to the victims of the Pulse massacre last year, which left 49 people dead.

The tweet reads:

“We will NEVER FORGET the victims who lost their lives one year ago today in the horrific #PulseNightClub shooting. #OrlandoUnitedDay.”

Many people in the Twitterverse found the tweet disingenuous, reminding the President that he basically said “I told you so” in the aftermath of the tragedy while still a presidential candidate.

Others took issue with Trump’s reversal of Obaba’s advances in transgender rights and the fact that he chose the floridly antigay Mike Pence as his Vice President.

A large majority reminded Trump that his White House isn’t even officially recognizing Pride month, and that he doesn’t expressly mention that the massacre occurred at a gay club:


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