perfect soul mate
You just know you wouldn’t be the same without him and this is what makes him special.

Everybody likes to meet new people, form relationships and occasionally, fall in love. But how do you know you’ve actually found the one? I have always wondered how can you tell if you’re really in love and whether your partner shares your feelings or not. Also, I’ve always been interested in knowing if the love portrayed in the movies could actually happen for real. So I’ve done some research and here are the 10 signs that should show you you’ve most definitely found your soul mate:

  1. He’s a good listener

This means that he actually cares about what you say and what you do and not everything is about sex. It tells you that he is interested in a sentimental bonding, first of all.

  1. He will be there for you
perfect soul mate
There is nothing more important than to have someone supporting you in times of need –

There is nothing more important than to have someone supporting you in times of need. Knowing that you always have someone to rely on is a pretty comforting feeling and this is actually the solid foundation of love.

  1. You have a relationship based on trust

You may think otherwise, but when it comes to serious relationships, trust is a key asset. When you fully trust your partner and he trusts you the same, your relationship is rock solid.

  1. Your feelings will remain unchanged even if you don’t see each other for longer periods of time
perfect soul mate
If you can love each other with the same intensity, regardless of the distance that is between you, then you have something special going on –

Not everything may go the way you intended, but if you can love each other with the same intensity, regardless of the distance that is between you, then you have something special going on.

  1. He’s the first to find out about it

Remember when you were little and you share everything that happened to you with your parents? Now it will be your lover that will hear about it first, and this is a sign that he is important to you.

  1. Each other’s happiness is important
perfect soul mate
This is what forms a solid relationship and shows that you actually care to one another –

You feel sad and depressed when he feels the same and you will do everything to cheer him up. This is what forms a solid relationship and shows that you actually care to one another.

  1. You don’t hold back

There are no secrets between you? That’s awesome! But can you be free and relaxed in his company? Can you fart without being ashamed about it and can you laugh it off? Then you, my friends, are in love!

You fight, but it never lasts

perfect soul mate
What comes after a fight is always sweeter, isn’t it? –

Every couple fights. It’s in nature’s way. But if you do it pretty rare and get over it faster than it started, then this is actually the fire that keeps your relationship warm. What comes after a fight is always sweeter, isn’t it?

  1. He motivates and supports you

When trying to overcome some difficult moments or accomplish a daunting task, he will always be there for you, supporting you in every way he can.

  1. You know you would be another person without him
perfect soul mate
The most special person in your life –

He completes you so well that you wouldn’t imagine a world in which he wouldn’t exist. You just know you wouldn’t be the same without him and this is what makes him special. The most special person in your life.

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