The ice hockey rink can be a cold place, because, you know, ice. But it gets so much hotter when Swedish ice hockey star Simon Loof (or Löf) gets out there – and you’ll understand why once you see him.

With a handsome face and a body that can melt the ice, it’s no surprise 22-year-old Simon also became a model. His 123,000 followers on Instagram get to enjoy it all – so here are some of the best examples…

1. It happens…

2. All wet!

3. Summer is coming

4. Tough guy

5. Tough gaze

6. Nope, those aren’t real

7. Beach time

8. Those eyes…

9. Shower time?

10. Hard rock. Or rock hard. Or something…

11. NOW it’s shower time!

12. And a bath

13. Oh…

14. His Damon Baker shoot

15. We’ll keep watching


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