Gay Couples Cash In On Their Relationships With Shared Instagram Accounts

Gay Couples Cash In On Their Relationships With Shared Instagram Accounts

Gay Couples Cash In On Their Relationships With Shared Instagram Accounts
Gay Couples Cash In On Their Relationships With Shared Instagram Accounts

Using Instagram as a showcase for your relationship is far from new, but there is a growing trend of gay couples starting joint accounts and cashing in on their relationship’s “brand.”

Broadly recently featured several couples who have risen to prominence with their shared Instagrams, where they document their lives together, always through the lens of a happy couple. Squabbling doesn’t sell.

They point to John Tuite and Carlos Santolalla as being among the first to create a popular joint account, called Jarlos420. They started it for fun, but it resulted in a Wall Street Journal profile and a team modeling contract with Fusion, the first LGBTQ couple to do so.

The pair broke up in last year and deleted their account. Breakups are always a potential hazard to a career tied to a partner.

But social media and marketing trends are harder to kill and in their wake we now have couples like Justin Moore and Nick Grant, aka @Justinickpgh, who have earned the nickname “swolemates” for their penchant for shirtless aspirational gym selfies.

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They met at CrossFit, because I mean of course they did.

“I was questioning about whether he was gay, but then I saw he was wearing a Lululemon tank top,” Moore said. “We just started talking, and hit it off from there.”

They have since diversified their selfie game, fearing they were becoming too much of a stereotype.

There’s also Brock Williams and Chris Lin, or Yummertime, who have made a name for themselves more on the consumption of calories side of the equation, although both are in model shape.

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