Poll Finds Hetero Guys Fantasize About Gay Sex A Lot, But Just...

Poll Finds Hetero Guys Fantasize About Gay Sex A Lot, But Just How Likely Are They To Act Upon It?


This just in: Straight guys fantasize about having gay sex a lot more than you might think.

According to a new poll conducted by StraightButCurious.co.uk, a dating website “for those who’ve thought about experimenting with the same sex but have been too nervous to do anything about it,” one in three heterosexuals have fantasized about either having a gay fling or a gay hook up.

hetero guy

100 people participated in the poll, which found that women, in general, were more open to the idea of engaging in same-sex sexual behavior than men. 41 percent said they’d be cool with it, compared to only about a quarter of men.

Of course, being open to the idea and actually acting upon it are two different things. Only one in six heterosexuals said they’d take the necessary actions to make their fantasies a reality. More specifically, 17 percent of women and 14 percent of men.


“The survey shows that there being heterosexual isn’t absolute,” Tara Gordon, who founded the dating site, says. “There are lots of people open to experimenting, who would never openly come out as gay or bisexual. In real life the gay scene can be intimidating if you are new to it, so this site gives people the opportunity to experiment and go at their own pace.”

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