The Official Donald Trump LGBTQ Swag You’ve Been Waiting For Is Finally...

The Official Donald Trump LGBTQ Swag You’ve Been Waiting For Is Finally Here


Dying to show off your LGBTQ pride for Donald Trump?

No? Oh. Well, then you probably don’t care that the reality-TV-star-turned-Republican-nominee-for-President just released his very first piece of LGBTQ swag on his official campaign website.

It’s a rainbow colored t-shirt that says “LGBTQ For Trump” and looks as though it were designed by a very non-LGBTQ graphic design intern who may or may not (probably not) receive college credit for their free labor.

LGBTQ SwagThe “equality tee” is being sold for $30 a pop (+ S&H) and only comes in men’s sizes. (Apologies to all you Trump-loving lesbians out there.) It can be found buried deep, deep, deep within the pages of Donald Trump’s online campaign store, where there is absolutely no risk of anyone who may not be “LGBTQ for Trump” accidentally finding it and getting upset.

Also available is a matching “LGBTQ For Trump” pin for $5.

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Trump, as you may or may not remember, claims to be the “biggest supporter” of gay people. In fact, he once vowed to “do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens from the violence and oppression.” In fact, he’s such a big, huge, tremendous supporter of all things gay that he picked one of the most stridently antigay Republicans of our time, Mike Pence, to be his vice presidential running mate. In a warped twist of irony, the back of the “equality tees” actually say Mike Pence’s name.

We’re sure these babies are going to be selling faster than whatever overseas print-on-demand service the Trump campaign has contracted to make their swag can produce them.

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