These Are The Twenty Handsomest Colleges In The Country

These Are The Twenty Handsomest Colleges In The Country

college dudes

There are many important things to consider when choosing your college. What is the admission rate? Where’s the college located? How many students attend? Is it one of the handsomest Universities in the motherf**king country?

That last question is almost never in the brochures, nor is it always easy to gauge while being taken on a campus tour. Fortunately, a website called Grooming Lounge has taken pertinent matters into its own hands and conducted an elaborate survey to find the “Twenty Handsomest Universities In The Nation.”

The criteria in their survey measured the men’s “commitment to appearance.” They based their findings on the following: amount spent on personal care services per man; amount spent on personal care products per man; amount spent on shaving needs per man; and amount spent on apparel per man, plus the fittest universities in the nation.

Here are their extremely handsome findings.

college dudes#20. Penn State

college dudes#19. Texas A&M

college dudes#18. University of Virginia

college dudes#17. University of South Carolina

college dudes#16. Washington University in St. Louis

college dudes#15. Cornell University

college dudes#14. University of Georgia

college dudes#13. Virginia Tech

college dudes#12. University of Maryland

college dudes#11. University of Oregon

college dudes#1o. Vanderbilt

college dudes#9. Ohio State University

college dudes#8. University of Illinois – Urbana Champaign

college dudes#7. University of Nebraska

college dudes#6. University of Wisconsin – Madison

college dudes#5. Rice University

college dudes#4. University of Miami

college dudes#3. University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill

college dudes#2. Stanford University

college dude#1. University of California – Los Angeles

Images culled from GuysCuddling and SomeGayCuddle

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