Gay “Drag Race” Judge Goes On Crazed Twitter Rant, Slams The Clintons...

Gay “Drag Race” Judge Goes On Crazed Twitter Rant, Slams The Clintons And Obamas


Last month, frequent RuPaul‘s Drag Race guest judge and music producer Lucian Piane took to Twitter to loudly voicie his dislike of Hillary Clinton in a series of frantic Tweets.

Over the last 24 hours, he’s been at it again, shuttling out an endless onslaught of Tweets and Instagram posts attacking Hillary Clinton (“unite to help take down the Clinton Pedophilia Foundation…”) and the Obamas.

He also wants everyone to leave Susan Sarandon alone, and insists he’s writing Bernie Sanders’ name on his ballot, and so should we.


Reluctant to leave any social media channel untarnished, Piane then turned his tweaky trash talk to Instagram:

Piane was later struck with the idea of writing in Bernie Sanders’ name on his ballet this Tuesday:

He wants everyone to leave Susan Sarandon alone, too:

It goes on. And on. And on and on.


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