Ted Cruz, Mick Huckabee and Bobby Jindal, three prominent US Republican candidates, are speaking this weekend at a conference called the National Religious Liberties Conference.

Ted Cruz, Mick Huckabee and Bobby Jindal, three prominent US Republican candidates, are speaking this weekend at a conference called the National Religious Liberties Conference. Ostensibly a debate on how American Christians are being increasingly oppressed in the modern world, the guest list and in particular the host of the event should raise some eyebrows.


Kevin Swanson, the host, is a notorious radio host – notorious that is for believing openly that gay people should be put to death.

Air Force Senior Master Sgt. Phillip Monk claims he was dismissed from the Air Force because of his Christian beliefs. In reality, he was dismissed for refusing to discipline one of his subordinates who was tub-thumping to new recruits – particularly spreading his beliefs against homosexuality.


Other guest on the illustrious line up include a couple who refused to rent out their property for a gay wedding – which, given that they rented it out for straight weddings, flew in the face of anti-discrimination laws in the state – and a couple who run a bakery who refused to produce a wedding cake for a lesbian couple.

The list goes on like this, unfortunately. A who’s who of foaming-at-the-mouth Christian radicals whose beliefs include execution of gay people, using the Bible as the basis of law (in a similar way to sharia law, which is often criticized by these very same people), and that Christians all over the world are facing a “modern inquisition”.


The only thing making people ‘inquisitive’ about this rabid group of theocrats is how they can attempt to cry oppression when in fact, they are really bemoaning a modern world that is fast making it difficult for them to enact their own old testament brand of oppression on others.

That current Republican hopefuls are happy to rub shoulders with this most hateful of flocks speak volumes about the current political climate in the States – but we’ll leave the reader to draw those conclusions themselves.

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  1. Just try you old bitch I’ll fight till the last breath and I know the rest of us will to

  2. The host sounds like a nazi saying that. Adolf Hitler said n did the same genocidal shit back in WWII.

    We don’t need people like the host bringing that bullshit back.

  3. Just try you old bitch I’ll fight till the last breath and I know the rest of us will to Thats the must Fuck up thing I have READ in a long time and Ill never let on one eve kill me I have one Thing to say to Thous how thank like that Fuck you and my Christian believes won’t let me say the one thing i wont to say but you will get your in the end its gods plash to do all that

  4. Assholes like Ted Cruz, Mick Huckabee and Bobby Jindal should be put to death for there narrow minds….

  5. Wtf. Good people loving each other. Thats all God wants. Good loving people.

  6. A personal message for Kevin Swanson, Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz and Bobby Jindal …

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