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Given the existent discriminatory climate in schools, the paper mentions “the Safe Schools Improvement Act to specifically prohibit bullying and harassment.

Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton released a comprehensive paper regarding LGBT policies. The paper points out federal equality, the support of the LGBT youth, parents and elders, improving military service for LGBT people, support for LGBT living with HIV, transgender rights, and human rights for LGBT people worldwide.
The introductory paper highlights that even if gay marriage is possible in all fifty states, there are still many problems the community faces.

Awesome gay agenda
Hillary Clinton believes that we must stand firm and keep fighting until every American can not only marry, but also live, work, pray, learn and raise a family free from discrimination and prejudice” –

“LGBT kids continue to be discriminated against and bullied at school, a restaurant can refuse to serve a transgender person, and a same-sex couple is at risk of being evicted from their home. Hillary Clinton believes that we must stand firm and keep fighting until every American can not only marry, but also live, work, pray, learn and raise a family free from discrimination and prejudice,” the paper states.

The six major issues that Clinton mentioned in the act come to solve a wide range of problems that the LGBT community is still facing, despite all effort. The first category, achieving full federal equality aims to end discrimination in daily lives of LGBT people, at the workplace and in schools. To accomplish this, Clinton will work with the Congress to pass the Equality Act that protects LGBT individuals from discrimination.
Clinton also wants to continue Obama’s LGBT equality executive actions meant to clarify issues regarding gender identity, sexual orientation and sex discrimination when it comes to employment, housing, and health care.

Awesome gay agenda
Hilary Clinton also wants to provide HIV medical care, support for the elderly and the homeless youth –

To support LGBT youth, parents and elders, the act mentions supporting LGBT couples who want to adopt through Every Child Deserves a Family Act that will prohibit discrimination of LGBT couples by federal funded child fare agencies.
Given the existent discriminatory climate in schools, the paper mentions “the Safe Schools Improvement Act to specifically prohibit bullying and harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, and religion in federally funded school districts.”
Hilary Clinton also wants to provide HIV medical care, support for the elderly and the homeless youth, protect the transgender rights, improve military policies when it comes to LGBT individuals and “Increase support for the Global Equality Fund.”

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