Sexual education in schools has always been a hot topic and parents have been divided over the matter. Some say that kids should be kept away from this subject, other believe that it will help them later on. The subject is still debatable and, until now, it is settled that parents can choose whether their child participates in sexual education classes or not. The main factor that influences such decisions are religious in nature and many families believe that a child doesn’t need to know more about sex until he’s old enough to comprehend the situation.
Things are radically different now, when talking about homosexuality. The Ontario government included the sexual education class in schools’ curriculum, a decision that sparked protests among the parents and students together. Not only that, but its character is no longer optional. Which means that your kid (according to his grade) will learn about the genitalia, the sexual changes that will occur in a human body over time, homosexuality and gender identity, sexual transmitted diseases , as well as plenty of things strongly related to the sexual act in itself. Including masturbation, anal sex, lubrication, vaginal intercourse, but also about the consent and how important it is in a relationship, specifically in a sex act. This decision revolted a lot of people and many of them gathered outside Liberal MPP offices to express their discontent with the situation.
The director Tony Pontes intervened and stated: “Let’s be clear, some in our community may not like this. We cannot – we will not – by action or inaction endorse discrimination. Supported by legal opinion, bolstered by our core values, I would no more say yes to someone wanting a child excluded because of a discussion about LGBTQ than I would a discussion about race or gender.” However, most of the parents are strongly against the decision and brought banners saying: “Let kids be kids” and “Protect the children”. “They are imposing this sex-ed curriculum, which is against our moral and cultural values. Parents are the first educators”, one parent said.
With that in mind, let’s remember a few interesting facts related to the sex subject, all around the Globe:
- 70% of the teenagers have their first sexual intercourse before reaching 19 years of age
- Teenagers of ages ranging from 15 to 24 represent half of the 18.9 million cases of those affected by sexual transmitted infections (STI)
- More than 47% of the high school students admitted they have had sex, among which 15% have done it with more than 4 partners.
- 40% of the students that had sex within 3 months before the interview said they didn’t use a condom
- In 2011 24% of the HIV cases referred to people with ages of 13 to 24
And this subject has not been completely covered. While the case has just started, it caused some powerful waves and its implications are yet to be observed. Whatever may be the case, according to these facts, if the “Parents are the first educators” they are not doing a pretty good job so far.