“Any bid to exploit this research for homophobic ends is doomed to fail. Homosexuality has existed in all societies and all eras. It is part of the natural spectrum of human sexuality.”

This revolutionary claim is the result of several test studies involving 47 pairs or identical adult male twins. 37 of those pairs contained one gay and one straight twin and the other 10 contained only homosexual pairs. A computer program has been used in determining whether there are evidence in the human genome that would support any view on the unborn’s sexuality. The observation revealed that there are 9 regions present in the genetic code that were essential in determining the sexual orientation of the fetus.

sexual preferences
The observation revealed that there are 9 regions present in the genetic code that were essential in determining the sexual orientation of the fetus. –

Coming from the University of California, Dr Tuck Ngun explained that: “To our knowledge, this is the first example of a predictive model for sexual orientation based on molecular markers. Sexual attraction is such a fundamental part of life, but it’s not something we know a lot about at the genetic and molecular level. I hope that this research helps us understand ourselves better and why we are the way we are.”

As a result of the trials, Dr Tuck Ngun along with other researchers, have raised the claim that there is a 70% success chance of accurately pointing out the sexual orientation of the fetus prior to the birth, based on the evidence they have collected from the adult subjects. A controversy arose when the possibility of changing someone’s sexuality prior to his birth by manipulating the methylation of the genes, became theoretically possible.

British scientists were interested in the discovery, despite being reserved on the verdict. Professor Tim Spector for the King’s College in London said: “It has always been a mystery why identical twins who share all their genes can vary in homosexuality. Epigenetic differences are one obvious reason and this study provides evidence for this. However, the small study needs replicating before any talk of prediction is realistic.”

sexual preferences
“To claim a 70% predictive value of something as complex as homosexuality is bold indeed.” –

“To claim a 70% predictive value of something as complex as homosexuality is bold indeed. I wait with bated breath for a full peer-reviewed article.” declared Darren Griffin, another professor coming from the University of Kent.

Another scary possibility emerged when they took into consideration that some homophobic families can use the results of these researches to try and manipulate the fetus’s sexuality which raises problems of morality and ethics.

sexual preferences
“Homosexuality has existed in all societies and all eras. It is part of the natural spectrum of human sexuality.” –

Dr Christopher Gregg, from the University of Utah rejected that possibility saying that: “Any bid to exploit this research for homophobic ends is doomed to fail. Homosexuality has existed in all societies and all eras. It is part of the natural spectrum of human sexuality.”

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  1. Well, learning about our sexuality and how exactly it occurs, as well as which are the factors influencing it, is essential in learning more about us as humans.

  2. Well, of course, that is a completely different point and personally I think that would be just stupid. Altering sexuality is like trying to do your best to change one’s skin color. Since it will have no negative impact on the individual whatsoever (because homosexuality is no longer assimilated as a disease) changing it would be an abuse and an imoral act. Simple as that

  3. It makes me scared for our future generations of children. I don’t even know why people would want to find out about that. Just let it be. Love your kids for who they are. They are a piece of you that you should cherish, if they wanna change their kid, then thwy shouldn’t be parents.

  4. This is the worst thing that could possibly happen so now children are going to be stopped from being gay? That’s literally discrimination and is the only thing that this could lead to… Leave it alone and stop trying to control nature

    • Actually, no one said they are going to do that, because that will be abuse. They just said that they believe it is possible

    • Yeah and what will homophobic people do with that sort of power?

    • Well, regardless of what they would want, I believe changing the sexual identity of your child before he’s born should be illegal. That’s because there is nothing wrong with being gay.

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