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Tag: exhibition

british museum

And you thought it was just a phase... The British Museum will showcase its historic links to the LGBTQ community in a new exhibition featuring relics going back 11,000 years. At the centre of the show is the Ain Sakhri pebble, the world’s oldest known depiction of a couple of unknown gender having sex. The stone is an 11,000 year old carved calcite pebble which was found in caves near Bethlehem. The British Museum said the stone possibly depicts gay sex, as...
gay couple

The show is now running at Berlin’s Schwules Museum - and was sponsored by city's official public transport service A museum in Berlin, Germany, has just unveiled an exhibition dedicated to the subject of gay sex in public toilets. Fenster Zum Klo: Public Toilets, Private Affairs is running now at Berlin’s Schwules Museum. It features photographs taken by Marc Martin. The French photographer has embarked on a project of taking photos in public toilets. His work, which often includes models, broadly explores...


gay films

Catch these queer hidden gems in high quality and at your leisure on gay streaming service Dekkoo Sponsored: Mainstream Hollywood has made some admirable, if...

If you remember part one of the article, then you know that we have enumerated quite a few hotties and this time will be...