
‘I guessed that one!’

Planning a civil partnership can be tough, but let’s throw a little more stress one happy couple’s way.

Matt Horwood and James Besanvalle are getting a civil partnership in just over a month. But first, can they answer a few seemingly simple questions about each other?

We asked the boys some fairly straightforward questions and told them to reveal each answer on the count of three.

Watch the hilarious video:

A civil partnership instead of a marriage is a ‘political stance’
The Brit-Aussie couple are getting a civil partnership in London in mid-August, but reveal marriage is off the table.

Besanvalle is from Australia, where same-sex marriage is still not legal. The couple refuse to get married until Australian same-sex couples can.

Besanvalle told Gay Star News: ‘Same-sex marriage is not legal in Australia and as it stands currently, there is no one federal law for civil partnerships.

‘When same-sex marriage is legal in Australia, we’ll convert it into a marriage,’ he added.

The couple said they won’t get married until everyone can, much like Kylie Minogue refused to do.

Horwood said: ‘If it’s good enough for Kylie, it’s good enough for us.’


It’s also important for the couple to work with LGBTI-friendly organizations throughout the planning of the celebrations.

They are working with rainbow insurer, Emerald Life, as well as LGBTI-friendly ring designer Stephen Einhorn.

The dress code for the celebration is ‘Queer AF’ and guests are invited to wear whatever makes them feel comfortable. ‘As long as it’s fabulous,’ Besanvalle adds.

Horwood said: ‘It was really important that the process for civil partnership was as inclusive as possible.

‘We are only going to be looking to use LGBTI or all-inclusive allies as suppliers,’ he added.

Non-binary designer Soofiya, made the personalized invitations, complete with pastel rainbow envelopes.

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