What Stupid Questions Do Straight People Ask That Drive You Totally Nuts?

What Stupid Questions Do Straight People Ask That Drive You Totally Nuts?

Angry mad man
Angry mad man

“Are you sure you’re gay?”

“If you had a choice, would you be straight?”

“Do gay guys get turned on when they look at themselves naked?”

These three questions are plucked from “Gay People Tell Us the Questions They Absolutely Hate Being Asked,” a story that ran this week in Vice that compiles a list of common conversational curveballs that habitually make gay men and lesbians duck for cover.

Thoughtful confused manAnd since we’re sure you’ve fielded your fair share of queasily probing questions over the years, we thought we’d ask:

What particularly presumptuous questions make you absolutely crazy, and how do you answer them?

Weigh in in the comments below.

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