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Here we have collected just the best trending and viral video about homosexuality, LGBT movement, same-sex marriage, gay love and gay Pride. Enjoy watching only the best rainbow videos on our site. We promise, there will be a lot of them soon. Come out and Be Proud with us! We support you!
Done! Same – Sex Marriage Is Now Legalized In The USA
Love won! The president of America, Barack Obama, called the decision of Supreme Court concerning same - sex marriage "a victory for America".
The US...
Landlord caught screaming antigay slur 12 times on video insists he’s not a homophobe
Meet James Gelb. He’s a slumlord, er, landlord from Santa Barbara, California who may be facing charges by police after a video of him...
TBT: Gay Texas Teen Surprised With His Own Houston Pride Float!
Who do you bring to Pride? Do you share the day just with other LGBT friends? Have you brought a parent before? What about...