
Here we have collected just the best trending and viral video about homosexuality, LGBT movement, same-sex marriage, gay love and gay Pride. Enjoy watching only the best rainbow videos on our site. We promise, there will be a lot of them soon. Come out and Be Proud with us! We support you!

The singer-songwriter wants you to vote for equality. As part of Vevo's Why I Vote campaign, Kesha opened up about why she's voting and the importance...

L.A. County police shared that they will not be charging political donor Ed Buck for the overdose of 26-year-old Gemmel Moore. On July 27, 2017,...

The out and proud star has some words of comfort for dejected Americans. Among the LGBT+ stars who were disappointed to see Trump become the...
costa rica

Government said they will comply with a ruling which said they needed to treat same-sex couples 'without discrimination' The Costa Rican government have said yes...
Jimmy Kimmel

"Our salad chef believes homosexuality is a sin, so he won't be creating any of our signature salads for you." Jimmy Kimmel used a tongue-in-cheek...

Kelly Rowland offered to sing at their wedding Six months ago same-sex marriage wasn’t legal in Australia, but now that it is, cute marriage proposals...

Capital Pride in DC was disrupted multiple times yesterday by protestors from a group called “No Justice No Pride.” The group’s Facebook page says that...

It’s been 20 years since Princess Diana died in a car crash in Paris, and UK network ITV aired a documentary on Monday night...

Give it up for your weekend heroes: the Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington D.C. Performing at Knoxville Pride in Tennessee this weekend as part of...

On the six month anniversary of the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando, Chaskis Theatre presents After Orlando — a global theatre action in response...
hate group

Videos of the attack show Proud Boys kicking a person on the street while using homophobic slurs like 'f*ggot' Five members of the Proud Boys,...

A Mississippi funeral home is accused of refusing to transport and cremate a gay man’s body. Widower Jack Zawadski, 82, lost his partner of 52...

It seems a Trump advisor has spoken too soon after claiming Elton John would be singing at President-Elect, Donald Trump’s inauguration on January 20. Transition...

'Either you do it, or we will' Chechen authorities are forcing parents to kill their own gay children, reveals shocking new testimonies from escapees. One anonymous...


If you remember part one of the article, then you know that we have enumerated quite a few hotties and this time will be...
gay films

Catch these queer hidden gems in high quality and at your leisure on gay streaming service Dekkoo Sponsored: Mainstream Hollywood has made some admirable, if...