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Tag: questions


Sorry mom! https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=5&v=9UJ1i3r3yk0 Source
Angry mad man

“Are you sure you’re gay?” “If you had a choice, would you be straight?” “Do gay guys get turned on when they look at themselves naked?” These three questions are plucked from “Gay People Tell Us the Questions They Absolutely Hate Being Asked,” a story that ran this week in Vice that compiles a list of common conversational curveballs that habitually make gay men and lesbians duck for cover. And since we’re sure you’ve fielded your fair share of queasily probing questions over the years, we...
straight guys ask gay guys

"Who's the guy and who's the girl?" gettyimages.fr You're kidding right? What is this, the 1970s? Okay, let's take this one step at a time. I'm gay. That means I'm attracted to men. And I'm a man. A man who's attracted to men. That means we're both men. So we're both "the guy". That's basically what being a gay guy is. Oh wait, my mistake, you're talking about us as if we're stereo cables. Who's the male jack and who's the female socket,...


gay films

Catch these queer hidden gems in high quality and at your leisure on gay streaming service Dekkoo Sponsored: Mainstream Hollywood has made some admirable, if...

If you remember part one of the article, then you know that we have enumerated quite a few hotties and this time will be...