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Tag: Ricky Martin

This week, 20-year-old pageant queen/Trump supporter Kathy Zhu was stripped of her Miss Michigan title after a series of vile tweets she wrote in 2017 and 2018 resurfaced. In response, Zhu hit the media circuit, where she claimed “coming out as conservative is harder than coming out as gay.” Some of Zhu’s tweets included calling Adolf Hitler “very smart and a good public speaker,” attacking women who wear hijabs, and sharing bogus statistics suggesting Black people have lower IQs. Oh, and...

Ricardo RossellóOut pop star Ricky Martin took to Instagram Thursday to celebrate the resignation of Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rosselló. “Puerto Rico we did it,” Martin said in the post. “And we did it in peace. With no guns, like Gandhi. We demanded respect and we were heard.” He also added, “WE’VE RESCUED OUR ISLAND.  And now, go out to the streets. GO AND CELEBRATE but please DO NOT DROP THE BALL. EYES WIDE OPEN FROM NOW ON.” Rosselló’s resignation came...

After days of massive protests, Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rosselló will resign today despite vowing to remain in office. The protests started after the Center for Investigative Journalism leaked over 800 pages of messages full of profanity and hateful language about gay men, political opponents, and women from a group chat that was administered by Rosselló. Sources tell CNN that he will resign today after giving a farewell address this afternoon. Just yesterday, in an interview with Fox News, Rosselló vowed...

The controversy erupted on Saturday after 889 pages of messages on Telegram between Rosselló and several members of his administration were published. The messages include Rosselló using a gay slur to attack a journalist and a former senator. He also described a former New York City lawmaker who was born in Puerto Rico as a "whore."Several involved in the group chat have stepped down, but Rosselló has defied calls to resign.Martin, who was born in Puerto Rico, was among those targeted...

Ricky Martin joined a mass protest in front of the house of Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rosselló (D) last night. Thousands of people protested Rosselló after a set of messages between him and senior administration officials showed him repeatedly using and condoning misogynist and anti-LGBTQ language. In a video he posted to Instagram, Martin said that he was “tired of the cynicism.” “They put down women. They put down the LGBT community, people with disabilities,” he said. “It is insane. We are tired....

Ricky Martin has joined the thousands or protestors calling on Puerto Rico’s homophobic governor to resign. Governor Ricardo Rosselló has been facing criticism for some time now regarding his mishandling of Hurricane Maria funds in 2017. The situation became exacerbated last weekend when a local media outlet published almost 900 pages from a leaked private group chat between him and 11 of his cronies revealing homophobic, misogynistic, and other vile remarks. Among the homophobic writings are jokes about people’s sexualities and...

Out pop singer Ricky Martin will join protesters in Puerto Rico demanding the resignation of the island’s governor, Ricardo Rosselló. Leaked messages from a chat room administered by the Governor show Rosselló and other high ranking politicians using repeated antigay slurs, making sexist and derogatory comments about women, and wishing for the assassination of political opponents. In one discussion, Puerto Rico’s chief financial officer Christian Sobrino accused singer Ricky Martin of being sexist because he’s gay. “Nothing says patriarchal oppression like...

Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rosselló is facing calls for his resignation after a local media outlet published almost 900 pages from a leaked private group chat revealing homophobic, misogynistic, and other vile remarks written by him and his cronies. The group chat happened on the messenger app Telegram last fall and included 11 male political figures within Rosselló’s inner circle, including Christian Sobrino, the government’s chief financial officer, and Luis Gerardo Rivera Marín, the State secretary and interim governor. Among the...

Protestors demonstrated this weekend to get the governor of Puerto Rico to resign as his role in a homophobic and sexist online conversation became public. Last week, Puerto Rico’s Center for Investigative Journalism leaked over 800 pages of messages full of profanity and hateful language from a group chat that was administered by Governor Ricardo Rosselló. Many of the messages targeted Puerto Rico senator Eduardo Bhatia. A publicist posted a picture of Bhatia and another person responded with “20 years and...

This week Laganja Estranja spilled some major Drag Race tea, Juan Pablo Di Pace came out of the closet, Gus Kenworthy and Matt Wilkas went different ways, and Nicki Minaj said hell no to Saudi Arabia. Here’s what happened on Instagram: sported Earth tones. took his leather to the roof. picked fruit. took Wacha for a walk. threatened a fight. and found flowers. channeled Kate Moss. took a hike. showed off his progress. relaxed in Portofino. showed off...

He may be sharing stages with Madonna right now, but Maluma is a global star in his own right. The 25-year-old Colombian singer has been rising up the charts since his first 2012 studio album, “Magia”. And he’s got a lot more to show. Like, a lot more. In an Instagram post teasing his new track “Instinto Natural”, Maluma shows us his own natural instincts. And all we can say is… follow your instincts, Maluma — they’re steering you in the right direction. Watch: And just...

Ricardo Rosselló, the Governor of Puerto Rico, pushed for a “Religious freedom” bill for the Commonwealth, and it seemed destined to pass. The bill, which would allow discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity based on one’s religious beliefs, was approved by the Puerto Rico House of Representatives on Tuesday. The fate of HB 2069, however, turned out far differently with the intervention of what may be Puerto Rico’s most famous pop singer. Ricky Martin is known by many as the...
Ricky Martin baby

World, meet Lucia Martin-Yosef. Husbands Ricky Martin and Jwan Yosef used the holiday to make a very special announcement: The pair welcomed their baby daughter, Lucia Martin-Yosef, into the world. On Instagram, Martin, who revealed that he’d officially tied the knot with Yosef in January 2018, shared an adorable photo of them holding their baby girl’s hands. “We are beyond happy to announce that we have become parents to a beautiful and healthy baby girl, Lucia Martin-Yosef,” the Assassination of Gianni Versace...

The entertainer discusses being comfortable in his own skin and how he'd feel if his kids were gay When the Emmy nominations are announced in July, pop icon Ricky Martin could be up for his first ever nod for his portrayal of Versace’s partner Antonio D’Amico in FX’s American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace. Last week, Martin stopped by ABC’s Popcorn with Peter Travers and spoke about how coming to terms with his sexuality helped him relate to his...


gay films

Catch these queer hidden gems in high quality and at your leisure on gay streaming service Dekkoo Sponsored: Mainstream Hollywood has made some admirable, if...

If you remember part one of the article, then you know that we have enumerated quite a few hotties and this time will be...