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Tag: Tales of the City

Conrad Roy in ‘I Love You, Now Die’ The soapy mystery series returned to HBO June 9. So why are we mentioning it now? Simple: if Season 1 was any indication, you’ll want to binge through this one right away. We went to the liberty of holding back to amass half the season. The new episodes find Meryl Streep joining the main cast, as the ladies of Monterey find themselves in the midst of a possible murder investigation. Gossip swirls...

Lauren Morelli on setBelieve it or not, Lauren Morelli never had any ambitions as a writer. Growing up in Pittsburg, she practiced dance, with the hope of one day turning professional. She continued her training while studying at Marymount Manhattan College before an injury ended her career. She then discovered a gift for writing, beginning with a blog that caught the attention of Netflix executives working on a new dark comedy series: Orange is the New Black. Morelli eventually landed...

Charlie Barnett with Murray Bartlett (right)In this day and age, Michael “Mouse” Tolliver would more likely be on Scruff instead of Grindr, and he would choose Folsom Street Fair over pride. That is, at least, according to Murray Bartlett, the actor who portrays the beloved gay character in the Tales of the City revival, premiering June 7 on Netflix. The revival series reunites many of the four of the actors from the original, but Bartlett is a new edition. Although...

Alan Poul with Olympia DukakisThe seven-time Emmy nominee Alan Poul is a fearless producer. Having worked on low budget films like Candyman through the 1980s and early 90s, Poul took on a job that would earn him distinction in the annals of television: producer of the landmark, if controversial, miniseries Tales of the City in 1993. Since then, Poul has produced other acclaimed, groundbreaking shows such as My So-Called Life, Six Feet Under, The Newsroom and Westworld. Poul also returned to produce...

Garcia“I just turned 23 in October, so I’m a Scorpio. Proudly.” Garcia (who uses a single name, like Madonna) utters the words in characteristic soft-spoken timbre. The trans-non-binary actor is in the final push to promote their screen debut: the Netflix revival of Tales of the City coming June 7. In the revival, Garcia plays Jake, a transgender man living in the iconic apartment building at 28 Barbary Lane under the watchful eyes of transgender stoner hippie Anna Madrigal (played by...

Armistead Maupin has reason to get excited. The new Netflix revival of his iconic Tales of the City series–the fourth television incarnation–debuts on Netflix Friday June 7, and boasts a cast more diverse than ever. It also has a gayer-than-ever story courtesy of an all-queer writing staff overseen by Orange is the New Black‘s Lauren Morelli. “I thought ‘Maybe we should have at least just one token straight person’, Maupin says of a writers’ room stocked with queer folk. “Then I remembered...

Armistead Maupin, 75 Author, activist Maupin grew up in North Carolina as the son of a powerful lawyer. After serving several tours in the Navy, including a stint in Vietnam, he landed in television journalism, working for future right-wing Senator Jessie Helms. Helms and Maupin would later become arch rivals during the AIDS crisis when Helms opposed HIV research and referred to gay men as “morally sick wretches.” “I’ve changed and he hasn’t,” Maupin deadpanned years later. Maupin came out in 1974. Around the...

As part of the buzz campaign leading up to its June 7 premiere, the first episode of Netflix’s Tales of the City revival was screened at the Los Angeles LGBT Center this week. Afterwards, members of the cast sat down for a panel discussion about the hotly-anticipated new show. Charlie Barnett plays Ben Marshall, Mouse’s love interest, in the series revival. Some of his other TV credits include Orange is the New Black, Russian Doll, Chicago Fire, and Law & Order: SVU. He has also appeared in...

We don’t know about you, but we’re counting down the days until the Tales of the City reboot on Netflix, which premieres on June 7. Based on the beloved writings by author Armistead Maupin, Tales of the City follows the lives of a group of San Franciscans living in the same apartment complex, as well as the eccentrics that move in and out of their lives. Related: The trailer for Netflix’s ‘Tales of the City’ reboot is officially here The latest installment features a new generation of...

In Armistead Maupin’s series Tales of the City, he chronicles the lives of a community of unique individuals living in San Francisco during the late 1970s. One of the stand-out characters in Maupin’s work is Michael Tolliver who discovers that his parents have joined Save Our Children, the anti-gay activist group started by Anita Bryant. This realization led Tolliver to write a very long and poetic, if not profound, letter to his parents where he not only comes out...


gay films

Catch these queer hidden gems in high quality and at your leisure on gay streaming service Dekkoo Sponsored: Mainstream Hollywood has made some admirable, if...

If you remember part one of the article, then you know that we have enumerated quite a few hotties and this time will be...