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Tag: election

Finland’s Sanna Marin, who recently became the world’s youngest serving head of state, was raised by a same-sex couple. Marin was appointed the country’s new prime minister by the Social Democratic Party on 10 December at the age of 34 after former leader Antti Rinne resigned. Marin was first elected an MP in 2015 and

It was in 2016 that the then Presidential candidate Donald Trump promised to Make America Great Again and in turn, went on to take an unlikely victory and the Presidency. Fast forward to 2019, the 2020 US Presidential elections are fast approaching and the Democrats are aligning a Kentucky Derby field of candidates to try

Openly gay teen, Keagan Roberts, has become one of the youngest elected officials in United States history after winning a place on his local council. The 19-year-old from South Berwick, located in Maine, won the second-largest share of the votes for a seat on the South Berwick Town Council – making him the youngest city

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Friday dropped his choice of John Ratcliffe to be U.S. spy chief after questions arose about the congressman’s lack of experience and possible exaggerations in his resume in the latest upheaval over a top national security post. Trump announced the move five days after he surprised many in Washington by making the conservative Republican lawmaker from Texas his selection to replace Daniel Coats as director of national intelligence, a post that oversees...

Protesters calling for free elections are set to hit the streets of Moscow for a second weekend running. A week ago demonstrations were met with a heavy police presence and 1,300 protesters were detained. Watch Euronews' Galina Polonskaya report on last week's detentions in the player below: Police have again warned protesters against turning out on Saturday calling the unauthorised rally illegal. "We are officially warning the event is illegal,” said a press statement from Moscow police. “We suggest that Muscovites and...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A majority of Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives now favor launching impeachment proceedings against Republican President Donald Trump, after a California lawmaker on Friday became the 118th Democrat to call for the process to begin. “In the past few years, our nation has seen and heard things from this president that have no place in our democracy,” Representative Salud Carbajal said in a statement that accused Trump of “criminal” behavior. “I believe it is...

Britain's new Prime-Minister Boris Johnson suffered the first serious blow to his leadership on Thursday when his ruling Conservative Party lost a seat in Wales, cutting its working majority in parliament to just one. The seat in Brecon and Radnorshire was won by Jane Dodds, the candidate for the Liberal Democrats, who overturned a majority of more than 8,000 votes to beat Conservative Chris Davies. The by-election was triggered when 19% of voters signed a recall petition after Davies was...

(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump signaled on Thursday that he still plans to nominate Representative John Ratcliffe to be the next U.S. spy chief despite worries that Ratcliffe may have exaggerated his achievements as a prosecutor. As he left the White House for a rally in Cincinnati, Ohio, Trump was asked by a reporter whether he was concerned. “Congressman Ratcliffe is an outstanding man and I’m sure that he’ll be able to do very well,”...

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Minutes after Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden bungled his closing statement in Wednesday’s debate by telling voters to go to a campaign website that did not exist, a college student was using the URL for a spoof election bid. Biden misspoke by directing viewers to “go to Joe30330” rather than “text JOE to 30330,” setting off a flurry of jokes on Twitter about the 76-year-old’s ineptitude with technology and a digital race to buy...

MOUNT PLEASANT, Wis. (Reuters) - Kim Mahoney listened from her reclining living room couch as Democratic presidential candidates debated economic, trade and environmental policies this week, needing only to look to her backyard to see how lofty political pledges can really play out. Once a middle-of-the-road Democratic voter, the 50-year-old paralegal lives in the last house standing in a neighborhood razed for a planned technology plant. President Donald Trump and his fellow Republicans have touted the project for...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s longtime political adviser Roger Stone on Thursday lost a long-shot bid to overturn a seven-count indictment against him stemming from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe of Russian meddling in the 2016 election. U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson ruled that Stone’s attorneys had failed to identify any legal grounds that would support dismissing the indictment, which accused him of lying to Congress, obstruction of justice and witness tampering. The indictment against Stone...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Some of U.S. President Donald Trump’s allies worry his racially charged fights with opponents are hurting his re-election chances even as Democratic rivals make things easier for him by bickering over their own key policies. Trump faces no serious challenge from within his Republican Party, the economy is growing, and two televised debates this week highlighted the divisions within the Democratic Party over healthcare, immigration and criminal justice reform. That combination of factors could allow...

DETROIT (Reuters) - Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden survived another debate night of sustained criticism, while many of his rivals for the Democratic Party’s 2020 presidential nomination leave Detroit hoping they did enough to keep their bids alive. This week’s back-to-back debates gave 20 contenders in the field vying for the party’s nomination to challenge Republican President Donald Trump next year a chance to make their cases to a national audience and assert distinctions on policy and style. U.S....

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The kick-off of the second round of Democratic presidential debates on Tuesday featured a clash of liberal and moderate agendas, highlighting sharp divisions within the party over how to beat Republican Donald Trump in the November 2020 election. The race’s two progressive front-runners, Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, went toe to toe with eight lower-tier, more moderate rivals over key issues including healthcare, immigration and trade. Ten other White House hopefuls will face off on...


gay films

Catch these queer hidden gems in high quality and at your leisure on gay streaming service Dekkoo Sponsored: Mainstream Hollywood has made some admirable, if...

If you remember part one of the article, then you know that we have enumerated quite a few hotties and this time will be...