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Tag: family

Finland’s Sanna Marin, who recently became the world’s youngest serving head of state, was raised by a same-sex couple. Marin was appointed the country’s new prime minister by the Social Democratic Party on 10 December at the age of 34 after former leader Antti Rinne resigned. Marin was first elected an MP in 2015 and

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Friday dropped his choice of John Ratcliffe to be U.S. spy chief after questions arose about the congressman’s lack of experience and possible exaggerations in his resume in the latest upheaval over a top national security post. Trump announced the move five days after he surprised many in Washington by making the conservative Republican lawmaker from Texas his selection to replace Daniel Coats as director of national intelligence, a post that oversees...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump announced on Friday that he had dropped his choice for spy chief, Representative John Ratcliffe, after questions about the congressman’s lack of experience and possible exaggerations in his resume. Trump blamed unflattering news coverage for fellow-Republican Ratcliffe’s decision to bow out of the nomination process and instead remain in Congress. “Rather than going through months of slander and libel, I explained to John how miserable it would be for him and...

On Tuesday 30 July, parents of LGBTQ youth were encouraged to reflect the bravery of their child and ‘come out’ to their friends, families and wider communities to help make it easier for other parents struggling to accept or understand their LGBTQ children. The day was especially important for those in conservative cultural or religious communities, where the feeling of shame can prevent parents from speaking openly about their LGBTQ children. Parents used the #OutAndProudParentsDay hashtag to share stories and pictures...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump announced on Friday that he had dropped his choice for spy chief, Representative John Ratcliffe, after questions about the congressman’s lack of experience and possible exaggerations in his resume. Trump blamed unflattering news coverage for fellow-Republican Ratcliffe’s decision to bow out of the nomination process and instead remain in Congress. “Rather than going through months of slander and libel, I explained to John how miserable it would be for him and...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Kamala Harris on Monday released a Medicare-for-all proposal ahead of the second Democratic presidential debate, when candidates’ differing approaches to giving Americans greater access to affordable health insurance is expected to feature prominently. Harris’ plan would allow Americans to buy into the Medicare government health insurance program, establishing a 10-year phase-in period during which newly born children would be automatically enrolled and healthcare providers can transition. The plan would allow private health insurers to...

The phone call that would change M.’s life came one spring evening in 2018. “You’re on the list,” the baritone voice on the other end of the line said.The caller identified himself as a member of the military and accused M. of indecent behavior. “We need to cleanse our republic of these people,” the voice said. The man didn’t say the word — he didn’t have to. M. knew the voice on the phone was implying he...

Moments of unity are increasingly rare in Britain’s fractured parliament, but one MP’s personal loss brought all sides together, and in doing so, may help countless families in their darkest moments. Carolyn Harris’ ascent to the corridors of Westminster is a far cry from the script politicos are so accustomed to reading. She wasn’t a student politician, nor a cashed-up lobbyist before being parachuted into a seat - she was a working Mum, trying to make ends meet for her...

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A federal judge on Wednesday said U.S. President Donald Trump and his adult children must face part of a lawsuit alleging they used their family name to promote sham marketing opportunities, but dismissed racketeering claims at the center of the case. U.S. District Judge Lorna Schofield in Manhattan said the plaintiffs, including investors in a Trump-endorsed business called American Communications Network, could pursue state law-based claims of fraud, false advertising and unfair competition. But the...

The Center Launches the Host Homes Program On the heels of the startling news that homelessness in Los Angeles County has risen 12 percent over the last year, the Los Angeles LGBT Center is doing its part to curb the crisis by launching Host Homes, a new program in which youth experiencing homelessness are sheltered in local private homes. The Center currently is seeking a diverse pool of residents who are interested in opening up their homes for short periods of...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren on Monday warned of “serious” signs that the U.S. economy could skid into a downturn either this year or next, as she proposed a series of steps to minimize the risk. Warren, 70, who serves in the U.S. Senate and is considered a top-tier candidate in a crowded field of Democrats hoping to challenge President Donald Trump in the Nov. 3, 2020 election, called on federal regulators and Congress to act...

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. Air Force has suspended paying incentive fees at all 21 military housing bases operated by landlord Balfour Beatty Communities following a Reuters-CBS News report that the company falsified maintenance records at an Oklahoma base to help it qualify for millions of dollars in bonuses. The Air Force previously had suspended fees at three Balfour Beatty bases. Now, it has halted such payments at all 21 company sites after new allegations of improper handling...

Forensic experts extracted bones from two ossuaries within the walls of the Vatican on Saturday as part of an ongoing investigation aimed at resolving the case of a girl who vanished in 1983. Following an anonymous tip-off, the Vatican earlier this month opened two tombs to see if the body of Emanuela Orlandi, the daughter of a Vatican clerk, was hidden there. Instead, they ran into a new mystery when nothing was found, not even the bones of two 19th century...

Research conducted by Rainbow Community Kampuchea (RoCK) has found that over 80% of queer women and trans men have faced violence in Cambodia. The research is one of the first of its kind in the country. The study met with 61 LBT people, 23 of them being lesbians, four of them being bisexual women and 34 being trans men. Over half the participants (51%) were under the age of 35. The researchers also met with parents of LBT children, UN...


gay films

Catch these queer hidden gems in high quality and at your leisure on gay streaming service Dekkoo Sponsored: Mainstream Hollywood has made some admirable, if...

If you remember part one of the article, then you know that we have enumerated quite a few hotties and this time will be...