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Here we have collected just the best trending and viral video about homosexuality, LGBT movement, same-sex marriage, gay love and gay Pride. Enjoy watching only the best rainbow videos on our site. We promise, there will be a lot of them soon. Come out and Be Proud with us! We support you!
Male Model Star Was Shot Naked In a Hot German Fitness Ad (Video)
Male models are taking it all off to promote a new fitness app for one of Germany’s largest insurance companies.
Today totally nude male model...
15-year-old teen who wants to know why his parents can’t get married and be...
This 15-year-old boy wants to know why his local MLA voted against equality and same-sex marriage.
This 15-year-old boy is brought up by same-sex parents. Becoming...
Less words, just emotions. This gay couple came out to their dads on TV...
This beautiful performance took place on Italia's Got Talent Show.
A gay couple decided to show the whole public their incredibly intimate and special performance on the...
Gwen Stefani: ‘I Would Be Blessed with a Gay Son’. (The latest video clip...
Gwen Stefani wants her children to be happy and healthy, and would feel blessed if one came out as gay.
Gwen Stefani - the mother of...
The Hottest Of Hot Easter Bunny Guys Are Here!
Hop, hop, Easter bunny.
You are pretty and funny!!!
The whole Catholic world is celebrating Easter today. It's a day when Peter Cottontail, better known as the...
New Men’s Underwear Campaign Carries Body-Positive Message
Aerie, American Eagle's underwear and lingerie brand, has released a new series of body-positive men's underwear commercials.
The brand dropped a series of #AerieMAN campaign...
North Carolina Passes Bill Banning LGBT Protections
The North Carolina General Assembly held a special session to override gay and transgender protections at the local level.
The controversial bill HB 2 will block local...
London Mayor Boris Johnson: ‘I’m out and I’m proud’
London Mayor Boris Johnson says he's out and proud about his desire to leave Europe.
London Mayor and Conservative MP Boris Johnson has already made...
These Twins Came Out To Their Mom. We are both gays! (Video)
Texan Ron Malott recently sat down with the I’m From Driftwood series, a campaign that tells first-person coming out stories.
Malott shared his unique coming out...
Adam Lambert unveils dramatic new single. Meet “Welcome to the Show” spring song
'I feel this song will give people strength to be exactly who they are'
Adam Lambert may not have won American Idol back into 2009...
Zac Efron Finally Gives The World A Glimpse Of ‘The D’ And Booty In...
You’ve probably seen the photos of Zac Efron running round on the set of his latest film ‘Dirty Grandpa’ in nothing but underwear, but...
‘All American Boy’ Singer Steve Grand Goes Nude To Sell T-Shirts
Steve Grand is stripping naked to sell t-shirts to thirsty fans!
The ‘All-American Boy’ singer recently admitted that he is proud to use his good...
Ellen Page: Being in the closet hurt my career more than coming out. Video:...
Ellen Page: "Being in the closet hurt my career more than coming out."
Hollywood actor Ellen Page has said staying in the closet hurt her career...
Father’s reaction is surprising when his gay son comes out
Coming out to parents is one of the hardest things to do when you are gay person. I believe that parents must be educated in...