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Tag: Trump

The shirt features a rainbow-colored background with the words "LGBTQ for Trump.""Show your pride and your support for Trump with this exclusive equality tee," the shirt's description reads.While campaigning for the White House, President Donald Trump promised to be a better "friend" to the LGBT community than his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. Instead, gains made by the community under former President Barack Obama have eroded under the Trump administration. Most recently, the president signaled that he does not support passage of...

Roger Severino, director of the HHS Office for Civil Rights, said that the change would eliminate language put in place as part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA, also known as Obamacare) that defined "sex" to include gender identity.'When Congress prohibited sex discrimination, it did so according to the plain meaning of the term, and we are making our regulations conform," Severino said in a statement. "We have concluded in our most recent filing with the court that discrimination on...

The Trump administration is set to launch a global campaign to decriminalize homosexuality in dozens of nations where anti-gay laws are still on the books, NBC News reported Monday. While on its surface, the move looks like an atypically benevolent decision by the Trump administration, the details of the campaign belie a different story. Rather than actually being about helping queer people around the world, the campaign looks more like another instance of the right using queer people as...
gay parents

Even if the couple is married and both are listed on the birth certificate, the Trump administration says they may not be a family because they were "born out of wedlock." A Trump administration change to how immigration law is implemented has led to the children of same-sex couples being denied American citizenship. Several years ago, the State Department issued rules to how it would implement the 1952 Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). Before, under the INA, a child born to...
gay family

Yesterday, the U.S. State Department appealed a Ninth Circuit court decision granting birthright citizenship to Ethan Dvash-Banks, the child of a same-sex bi-national couple living in Los Angeles, California. The Trump administration is saying that a child born to an American father is not in fact American and shouldn’t be allowed on U.S. soil. If the administration gets its way, the Dvash-Banks family will effectively be torn apart. And what’s worse, this isn’t the only same-sex family the Trump administration...

Jussie Smollett was summoned to an emergency court appearance in Chicago earlier today where he was informed that all 16 charges against him had been dropped by State Attorney Kim Foxx. Naturally, Republicans are not happy about it. Smollett was facing a potential sentence of 64 years in prison, and they wanted to see him serve every minute of it. Scott Presler is a proud, gay Trump supporter and professional Twitter troll with nearly 300K followers. Shortly after the news about...
Donald Trump

The Trump/Pence administration is continuing it's assault on the LGBTQ community as the Department of Health and Human Services has proposed a new, extremely narrow definition of 'sex' that would virtually erase the existence of 1.4 million transgender Americans. The move would exclude transgender people from federal non-discrimination protections. From The New York Times: The Department of Health and Human Services is spearheading an effort to establish a legal definition of sex under Title IX, the federal civil rights law that bans...
gay actor

Not here on the Great White Way During last night’s performance of Disney’s Frozen on Broadway, an audience member wearing a Make American Great Again visor unfurled a Trump 2020 banner during the bows. Cast member Timothy R. Hughes did not let that slide. When the person in the audience showed off the banner, Hughes quickly leaned down and snatched it away. Without saying a word, he tossed it aside and continued taking his bows with the rest of his cast. Hughes posted...
gay kiss

The campaign paid to run it on "Fox & Friends" in D.C. just so Trump would see it A Democratic candidate in the Maryland gubernatorial race has made history with his new campaign ad, in which he takes aim at President Trump and Republicans and plants a kiss on his husband. Richard Madaleno has served as a state senator for 16 years, and in the spot says he wants to become governor so he can “provide progressive results and stand up...

Richard Grennell's confirmation was held up over his history of sexist tweets. It took almost 16 months for the Senate to confirm Richard Grenell as U.S. Ambassador to Germany. It took considerably less time for Grenell, sworn in this month by Vice President Mike Pence to upset his host country. In a tweet Tuesday, the day he arrived in Germany, Grenell warning companies doing business in Iran to “wind down operations immediately.” https://twitter.com/RichardGrenell/status/993924107212394496?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.newnownext.com%2Frichard-grenell-germany-upset-ambassador%2F05%2F2018%2F The tweet came the same day Trump signaled he wanted...

Richard Grennell's confirmation was held up over his history of sexist tweets. It took almost 16 months for the Senate to confirm Richard Grenell as U.S. Ambassador to Germany. It took considerably less time for Grenell, sworn in this month by Vice President Mike Pence to upset his host country. In a tweet Tuesday, the day he arrived in Germany, Grenell warning companies doing business in Iran to “wind down operations immediately.” https://twitter.com/RichardGrenell/status/993924107212394496?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.newnownext.com%2Frichard-grenell-germany-upset-ambassador%2F05%2F2018%2F The tweet came the same day Trump signaled he wanted...

Meet the people who would want to join a site like this There is now a dating site where everyone voted for Trump. The twist is, even if you’re Republican, you can’t join if you’re gay. Trump Dating is the latest niche dating site, and it appears to already be gaining popularity. Trump dating site bans you if you’re gay But many have questioned why you have to identify as either a straight man or straight woman to gain membership. Amusingly, or perhaps this is...

The new proclamation is full of anti-LGBT dog-whistles. In a proclamation released this morning, Donald Trump declared January 16, 2018 "Religious Freedom Day" to commemorate the 232nd anniversary of the Virginia General Assembly passing the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom, the first statute of its kind. However, the seemingly innocuous proclamation, which claims to celebrate "Americans from diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds" contains references to politicized policies that appeal to Trump's evangelical base. "Unfortunately, not all have recognized the importance of religious...

If Donald Trump invited Gus Kenworthy to the White House, would he accept the invitation? The American freestyle skier made headlines when he came out in October of 2015. Since then, his athletic career has flourished, and he's gone on to rack up a slew of endorsements and sponsorships. And now, he's poised to make history as he becomes the first openly gay male athlete to compete in the Winter Olympics. But although it's customary for members of Team USA to be invited...


gay films

Catch these queer hidden gems in high quality and at your leisure on gay streaming service Dekkoo Sponsored: Mainstream Hollywood has made some admirable, if...

If you remember part one of the article, then you know that we have enumerated quite a few hotties and this time will be...