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Tag: Republican

Rep. Denver Riggleman of Virginia appears to be at war with his own party after his Republican colleagues in the House of Representatives decided he’s not homophobic enough for them. It all started when Riggleman agreed to officiate a gay wedding over the weekend. According to the Washington Post, the couple volunteered from his campaign a while back and eventually became friends with him. So they asked Riggleman to preside over their wedding on Sunday. NBD, right? Wrong! Apparently, Riggleman’s colleagues didn’t like this...

Another day, another Republican caught behaving badly. Or at least behaving in a way unbecoming of someone who claims to be a proponent of “family values.” Val DiGiorgio, the chairman of the Pennsylvania’s Republican Party, abruptly resigned yesterday just hours after sexually explicit text messages between him and a woman other than his wife surfaced online. 51-year-old DiGiorgio, a Trump ally and frequent critic of out gay Pennsylvania lawmaker and LGBTQ activist Rep. Brian Sims, engaged in a months-long string of...
Republican radio host

Brenden Dilley has a bizarre request, but Brian Sims isn't even rising to it Trump-supporting radio host Brenden Dilley wants US politician Brian Sims to ‘suck a dick’ to prove he’s gay. In a new video, Dilley said he doesn’t think the Pennsylvania State Representative is gay and only says he is so he can call critics a ‘bigot’ if they disagree with him. ‘Brian Sims,’ Dilley said. ‘Are you guys ready? This dude’s not fucking gay.’ The host of The Dilley Show...

Lawmaker previously likened LGBTI people to a terrorist group and the Ku Klux Klan A Republican lawmaker has given a threatening response when asked what he would do if his kids were gay. Eric Porterfield, a Trump-supporting West Virginia lawmaker, was also under fire this week. He has previously likened LGBTI people to a terrorist group and the Ku Klux Klan. Republican lawmaker grins as he said he would see if a gay child could ‘swim’ A WVVA reporter asked what would happen if...

Rob Smith, a former activist during the "don't ask, don't tell" era, became a conservative because of the Democratic Party's "outrage culture." Despite his liberal upbringing and history of progressive activism, a black gay man and military veteran has “come out” as conservative. Rob Smith, who currently works as a journalist in New York, served in the army from 2000–2005. He wrote a book about serving during the “don’t ask, don’t tell” era and was an activist for LGBT rights in...

GOP staffer said Wes Goodman was 'all over Craigslist' Anti-gay Republican Wes Goodman resigned last month after being allegedly caught having sex with a man in his office. The Ohio state legislator admitted to reports he cheated on his wife but now past lovers reveal new details. Former GOP congressional staffer Chris Donnelly said he met Goodman on Craigslist under the prominent lawmaker’s alias Brady Murphey. He told cleveland.com the two had a sexual encounter in 2008. Goodman replied to a post on...

Roy Moore, the disgraced former judge and current frontrunner in a US Senate election, has said that “homosexual conduct should be illegal.” The conservative Christian politician also compared homosexuality with bestiality. Moore, who is running for the US Senate seat vacated by Donald Trump’s Attorney General Jeff Sessions, made the comments during a 2005 interview, according to CNN. Last week, it was revealed that he has appeared multiple times on a radio show hosted by pastor Kevin Swanson, who is known for...

Ted Cruz, Mick Huckabee and Bobby Jindal, three prominent US Republican candidates, are speaking this weekend at a conference called the National Religious Liberties Conference. Ostensibly a debate on how American Christians are being increasingly oppressed in the modern world, the guest list and in particular the host of the event should raise some eyebrows. Kevin Swanson, the host, is a notorious radio host - notorious that is for believing openly that gay people should be put to death. Air Force...


gay films

Catch these queer hidden gems in high quality and at your leisure on gay streaming service Dekkoo Sponsored: Mainstream Hollywood has made some admirable, if...

If you remember part one of the article, then you know that we have enumerated quite a few hotties and this time will be...