Canada Set to End Blood Donation Ban For Men Who Have Sex With Men
Reuters reports.Instead, the department will now screen all potential donors —regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity — for what it calls “high-risk sexual behaviors.” The new regulations would prohibit anyone who has had anal sex with a new sexual partner from donating for three months.The changes are planned to be put in place by September 30.“Today’s authorization is a significant milestone toward a more inclusive blood donation system nationwide and builds on progress in scientific evidence made in recent years,” Health Canada said in a statement, the news agency reports.Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau welcomed the change, saying “it’s been a long time coming.”"The current approach was discriminatory and wrong. This is a significant milestone for moving forward on both the safety of our blood supply, but also, non-discriminatory blood practices," Trudeau said, the CBC reports. The policy has been targeted by advocates who have called it discriminatory toward queer men.