Cassie Nova county Dallas guy blues STARS show Love donates Cassie Nova county Dallas

Cassie Nova • 06-07-24

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Bad weather, great tattoos and lovely pedicures Y’all, Mother Nature is a bitch. First, She was trying to kill us with her tree semen — making us sneeze, creating pressure in our sinuses that makes your head want to explode and (well, for me) a sad but constant flow of tears out of my nostrils.

Xyzol, nose spray and Benedryl are my closest friends right now. Then there is the nasal cavity washer neti pot thing. I’ve been washing my sinus cavity more than I have been washing my hair.

Then She’s been trying to kill us with the rain and lightning. Flooding and power outages have thrown some of y’all back into the Dark Ages.

We were lucky at my house this time: Just lots of rain; we never lost power. But my bestie in Dallas is going on Day 6 with no electricity.

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