
Established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-les.

The Home Office is encouraging LGBT refugees to go back in the closet. Under new government guidelines, the UK is denying asylum to gay Afghan...

In the wake of the royal wedding, North Irish men are wondering when it’ll be their turn to marry. Thousands of North Irish citizens are...

I'm saddened but not surprised. This hateful banner was found hanging over an overpass on an expressway in Northern Ireland, according to Attitude. How...

Following reports of Egypt's LGBT "crackdown," a MP has allegedly drafted a new homophobic law to criminalize homosexuality. Earlier this month, Egyptian men were reportedly...

South Africa's Parliament has officially endorsed International Coming Out Day. On Tuesday, MP Zakhele Mbhele (DA), introduced the motion. It notes that the goal of...

'I'm going to walk in with a f**king machete and slaughter every single one of the gay bastards' Police arrested a teenager after he threatened...

Bermuda is trying to become the first country to re-ban same-sex marriage. The first gay couples to get married in Bermuda did so only in...

On LGBTI rights, could Mike Pence be even worse than Trump? President Donald Trump has reportedly said he believes, ‘jokingly’, his VP Mike Pence wants...

A gay-friendly church in Charlotte, North Carolina has been vandalized, not once but seven times, but its members are staying strong. Wedgewood Church members woke...

Guess what? If you get attacked because you’re gay in the state of West Virginia, the justice system won’t protect you. This past Tuesday, the...

Meet James Gelb. He’s a slumlord, er, landlord from Santa Barbara, California who may be facing charges by police after a video of him...

Who do you bring to Pride? Do you share the day just with other LGBT friends? Have you brought a parent before? What about...


If you remember part one of the article, then you know that we have enumerated quite a few hotties and this time will be...

Catch these queer hidden gems in high quality and at your leisure on gay streaming service Dekkoo Sponsored: Mainstream Hollywood has made some admirable, if...