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Tag: coming out


The latest issue of FS Magazine has revealed that, while the majority of gay and bi men do come out, almost half are faced with homophobia when they do. The Coming Out Issue, which was released to coincide with National Coming Out Day, surveyed 500 gay and bi men on the topic of coming out, and fond that, of the respondents that had come out, 94% had told their family and 98% had told their friends – but just 75% had...

Some people feel that the day they came out was like another birthday. It's a day where your life starts anew.  You find out who your friends truly are, who in your family support you, and the weight off your shoulders shifts and may even disappear.  I was fortunate that I only lost one friend / former college roommate.  Just one person that I know of didn't care for me being gay.  That's it.  To say I was fortunate...

To celebrate National Coming Out Day, PinkNews takes a glance at some awesome ways to come out as LGBT… 1 Write a letter… 2 Bake a cake 3 Bake multiple cakes 4 OR Write a letter AND bake a cake!! 5 Get arty and make a coming out card 6 Get poignant and leave a note 7 Or maybe use place cards – who doesn’t love place cards (Love Actually anybody?!?)? 8 Print it on a T-shirt 9 On Facebook… 10 Or as a life event! 11 Do it on the...

Life is a series of choices — what to have for lunch, where to go to college, when to come out to Mom and Dad and, most importantly for this story, when to work on that beach-ready bod. From the depths of Reddit comes this cautionary tale about the importance of the nuclear family and the bonds that tie it together. So easily they can fray, over seemingly so little. A distraught 20-year-old sister, we’ll call her Rachel, fills in the...

Every day someone helps further LGBTQ acceptance by coming out and proudly proclaiming who they are for the very first time. This year, students, singers, politicians, filmmakers, actors, models, athletes, British Royal Family members and many more publicly added to that rainbow chorus that is enveloping the world. We’re celebrating National Coming Out Day with a look back at these 17 people who bravely kicked down the closet door in 2016 and helped change the world for the better by simply being...

On National Coming Out Day, Lancaster University health professor Elizabeth McDermott looks at why it’s often still so difficult to be out and proud. A few months ago, I interviewed a 19-year-old bisexual woman and asked her why she had found it so difficult to “come out”. She replied: “I just had hate coming at me from all sides”. It may seem odd that a young woman living in the UK has experienced hostility because of her sexual orientation. The UK has made many legislative changes to...
LGBTQ People

National coming out day still means something, even as diverse identities become more accepted. People still in the closet or deciding to take the plunge and come out clearly benefit from the outpouring of support today. But even if you came out of the womb in drag and belting Cher, we should all be paying attention. It’s not often that we slow down to just listen to a stranger’s experience, unless it involves falling into a lion enclosure or some equally...
coming out

This grandad wrote a moving letter after his daughter kicked her son out for being gay. The obviously proud ‘pa was disappointed in his child’s actions, and vowed to look after her son if she couldn’t. He called her out for being the “shame in the family”, and choosing to be hurtful and narrow-minded. He then goes on to mimic her actions and disown her for disowning her own son. The original letter appeared on the FCKH8 Facebook page after Chad sent...
Gay Pride Parade

More young people than ever before now identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual, data shows. The news comes from the Office for National Statistics, which asked young people about their  sexual identity as part of its Annual Population Survey. According to the ONS, 3.3% of 16 to 24-year-olds identified themselves as lesbian, gay or bisexual in 2015, up from 2.8% in 2014. This is nearly double the average across all age groups, with 1.7% of people identifying as LGB across the general population. Among over-65s,...

When you think back to your own coming out process (or as you anticipate it) imagine doing it all on film for the whole world to see. Brooklyn filmmaker Alden Peters decided to do just that and the resulting feature-length documentary, Coming Out, out today on DVD and digital just in time for National Coming Out Day (October 11). Depicting each encounter with his family and friends, Peters shares his unique and yet universal experience with the world. Coming Out...

A brave and monumental moment in skateboarding history. Retired skateboarder Brian Anderson, who infamously won both Thrasher‘s prestigious Skater of the Year award and a World Cup of Skateboarding title back in 1999, has come out as gay. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZU5K3y7QhU The former Toy Machine and Girl pro and the founder of 3D Skateboarders is the subject of a Vice Sports documentary hosted and directed by skate filmographer Giovani Reda, who asked B.A. about his experience as a homosexual man in the skateboarding community and why he took his time...
son and mom

A supportive mom and dad are seeking some guidance after their 11-year-old son came out as gay. It sounds like they just need some help with the logistics. The mom writes on Reddit: Last night my 11 yo told my husband and I that he's gay. We talked for about 1/2 an hour and of course we love him, support him, be himself. For us it changes nothing about our love for him. He's an amazing kid. At this stage of...
Robert Pattinson

The internet temporarily had a freak out over a rumor that Robert Pattinson had come out as gay. Speculation regarding Pattinson, who has not come out as gay, began when hoax news site Now88News published a supposed “exclusive” interview with the Twilight star to talk about his sexuality: …Twilight star Robert Pattinson has admitted to a secret holiday romance with 31-year-old male model Brad Owens. “I completely fell for this guy and at first I thought I was confused with my emotions and I did...

The Queen’s cousin has become the first member of the royal family to come out as gay. Lord Ivar Mountbatten has revealed that he is now dating a man after a life long struggle with his sexuality. Prince Harry previously joked that me might try a relationship with a man if it doesn’t work out with women. Mountbatten is the Queen’s cousin, the great great great grandson of Queen Victoria and the great-nephew of Earl Mountbatten of Burma. The 53 year old came...


gay films

Catch these queer hidden gems in high quality and at your leisure on gay streaming service Dekkoo Sponsored: Mainstream Hollywood has made some admirable, if...

If you remember part one of the article, then you know that we have enumerated quite a few hotties and this time will be...