
Established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-les.

" proud that slowly the country is changing." Next month, the Eurovision Song Contest comes to Kiev, Ukraine, a region not exactly known for being...

This 14-year-old teen guy, Jack Higgins, gave a perfect ballet performance on Britain’s Got Talent Show. But before the preformance, the teenager confessed that he is bullied...

Now your entire laundromat will know how gay you are. What does it mean to queer a space? To make something queer? Does just the...

LGBTQ awareness is at its peak in Hong Kong after the area had its ninth annual Pride parade. More than 10,000 people gathered to walk...

"Sexuality is not just about making babies—It is also about making the flock work." For at least the third time this year, two male lions...

A small, simple act can be incredibly powerful and symbolic. Two Dutch Politicians arrived holding hands for a meeting to discuss the formation of a new Dutch goverment, today. The...

He tells us his story from hospital A gay 40-year-old in Namibia set himself alight during a row after finding his boyfriend with a woman. Kasera...

Thousands and thousands (and thousands) of people turned out for Southern Decadence in New Orleans over the holiday weekend. The streets in the French...

Physiological study conducted by Cornell University suggests that human sexuality is fluid A new study claims ‘fully straight’ people don’t exist. Sexual orientation is not binary,...

Blake Mitchell has had quite the amazing 2018. He went on a book tour to promote his debut work called His Own Way Out,...

Despite a lot of misconceptions about LGBTI people in the medical profession, these Indian doctors want to show they believe in equality. For the first...

London’s Jewish community centre responded perfectly to some hateful graffiti scrawled across a banner promoting an LGBT+ event. Someone graffitied over a banner promoting an...

Relatives and school officials had been reporting signs of abuse for years A 10-year-old California boy’s suspicious death is being investigated, following years of reported...

The Sundance Film Festival is considered as a platform for LGBT visibility. The Sundance Film Festival shares a lot of new queer films with the world yearly. These...


If you remember part one of the article, then you know that we have enumerated quite a few hotties and this time will be...

Catch these queer hidden gems in high quality and at your leisure on gay streaming service Dekkoo Sponsored: Mainstream Hollywood has made some admirable, if...