Jeremy Moss: Last News


Michigan Governor Signs LGBTQ Protections Into Law

Detroit Free Press.“I am so proud to be here, and I’m excited to put our state on the right side of history,” added Whitmer, who advocated for such a law when she served in the legislature from 2006 to 2015. Moss noted that equality advocates have spent the better part of five decades advocating for an expansion of civil rights protections, only to see those efforts stymied in Lansing.This was, in part, due to reticence by Republicans — who controlled the legislature for 40 years prior to November — to embrace the cause of LGBTQ equality, for fear of offending religious and socially conservative voters.“The baton has been passed generation to generation,” Moss said. “This moment is so long overdue, and too many suffered on the journey to get here.

All news where Jeremy Moss is mentioned

19.03 / 00:57
LGBTQ rights Human Rights Campaign The Trevor Project ticker LGBTQ protections Michigan Governor Signs LGBTQ Protections Into Law
Detroit Free Press.“I am so proud to be here, and I’m excited to put our state on the right side of history,” added Whitmer, who advocated for such a law when she served in the legislature from 2006 to 2015. Moss noted that equality advocates have spent the better part of five decades advocating for an expansion of civil rights protections, only to see those efforts stymied in Lansing.This was, in part, due to reticence by Republicans — who controlled the legislature for 40 years prior to November — to embrace the cause of LGBTQ equality, for fear of offending religious and socially conservative voters.“The baton has been passed generation to generation,” Moss said. “This moment is so long overdue, and too many suffered on the journey to get here.