Since Joe Biden was sworn in as a Senator, his stance on LGBTQIA+ issues transformed from oppositional to one where he will leave the White House as the most progressive President in the nation’s history. THIS ARTICLE FIRST APPEARED ON UNCLOSETED MEDIA A NEW INVESTIGATIVE LGBTQIA+ FOCUSSED NEWS PUBLICATION. WORDS HOPE PISONI ADDITIONAL REPORTING NICO DIALESANDRO COVER IMAGE ADAM SCHULTZ Senator Biden Joe Biden is sworn into office at age 30 as the third youngest Senator of all time.
When asked about gay rights by an activist, he responds, “My gut reaction is that they [homosexuals] are security risks.” Biden joins a majority of 94 to 2 to approve an amendment written by Senator Jesse Helms to prohibit the use of sexually explicit materials to promote AIDS education.
Biden votes with a majority of 77 to 22 to uphold an effective ban on gays and lesbians serving openly in the military. The ban remains in effect until President Obama signs its repeal in 2010.
Biden votes with a majority of 85 to 14 to pass the Defense of Marriage Act proposed by President Clinton, which defines marriage as only between a man and a woman and specifies that states do not have to recognise same-sex marriages from other states.