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At least six anti-LGBTQIA+ hate groups have special consultative status inside the UN

    An Uncloseted Media investigation has found that at least six Southern Poverty Law Center-designated anti-LGBTQ hate groups hold what’s known as Economic and Social Council consultative status. THIS ARTICLE FIRST APPEARED ON UNCLOSETED MEDIA A NEW INVESTIGATIVE LGBTQIA+ FOCUSSED NEWS PUBLICATION WORDS SPENCER MACNAUGHTON AND TOM SAYERS In November of 2023 at the United Nations in New York City, the Political Network for Values held their fifth Transatlantic Summit event.

The conference was called “Affirming universal human rights: Uniting Cultures for life, family, and fundamental freedoms.” It was attended by a variety of far-right Christian groups that have historically advocated for anti-LGBTQIA+ policies.

One of those groups is Alliance Defending Freedom. At the conference, Emilie Kao, the group’s senior counsel and vice president of advocacy strategy, took the floor to express her outrage that a Finnish doctor was put on trial for referring to homosexuality as “a developmental disorder,” “a shame and a sin” and as a form of “genetic degeneration.” “Thank God she was unanimously acquitted,” said Kao.

Austin Ruse, president of the Center for Family and Human Rights (otherwise known as C-Fam), who has supported laws that would criminalise homosexual behaviour and has also said that hard left people that run modern universities should be “taken out and shot,” spoke about some of his group’s recent accomplishments. “There is no redefinition of the family because we stopped them.

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