Chicago’s Santa Speedo Run brought the heat to the streets, Madonna got back in the studio, and Pet Shop Boys revealed the true meaning behind gay anthem “It’s a Sin.” Here’s what happened on Instagram:Aydian Dowling rinsed off.A post shared by Aydian Dowling (@alionsfear)Louis Verdi met a new friend.A post shared by Louis Verdi (@louisverdi)Antony Tran snapped a selfie.A post shared by antony (@antonytran)Clayton Paterson took a dip.A post shared by Clayton Paterson (@claytonpaterson)Luis Suarez made a toast.A post shared by (@gaylatinotrainer)Garrett Swann combed his hair.A post shared by Garrett Swann (@thegarrettswann)Gus Kenworthy laughed.A post shared by gus kenworthy (@guskenworthy)Nieri showed his blond ambitionA post shared by NIERI (@thisisnieri)Robbie Manson sprawled out.A post shared by Robbie Manson (@robbie_manson)Franco Noriega got some sun.A post shared by Franco Noriega (@franconorhal)Greg Scarnici kept it golden.A post shared by Greg Scarnici (@gregscarnici)Taylor Stilson decked the halls.A post shared by Taylor Stilson (@taylor.stilson)Piero Martínez showed off.A post shared by Piero Martinez (@pieromg)Jacob Artist dropped a new track.A post shared by Jacob (@jacobartist)Luke Cook watered the lawn.A post shared by Taylor Miller (@taylormillerphoto)Joel Wieneke walked the beach.A post shared by Joel Wieneke (@green.joel)Ross Hull stayed in the Philippines.A post shared by Ross Hull (@thatguyrossh)Omar Ahmed tested the waters.A post shared by Omar Ahmed ( Valabrega went for a run.A post shared by Flavio Valabrega (@flaviohikes)Mark Zarb stayed warm.A post shared by Mark Zarb (@zarbmark)Rubby wore white.A post shared by Rubby (@rubbyvalentin)Nick Adams dressed up.A post shared by NICK ADAMS (@thenickadams)River Viiperi flexed.A post shared by RIVER VIIPERI (@riverviiperi)Ronnie Woo ordered pizza.A post shared by Ronnie Woo (@ronniecwoo)And Dylan Efron made a friend.A post shared by Dylan Efron (@dylanefron)Don't forget to share:.