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Madonna solidifies her status as the ultimate gay icon with an epic Pride Month video

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Madonna and the gay community have gone hand-in-hand for the last 40 years.Since rising to fame in the early ’80s, the Queen of Pop has been one of the fiercest allies to the queer community by supporting LGBTQ+ charities, speaking out for equality, and advocating for HIV/AIDS when most others were silent.She’s also provided the soundtrack to our lives and brought us an unmeasurable amount of queer joy.Subscribe to our newsletter for a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.Don’t believe me?

The Material Mother has the receipts!So it’s only fitting that the pop icon sent out a heartfelt message for Pride Month to remind the world that she wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for the gays.To honor the queer community, Madonna shared a video featuring retro clips of Pride marches and rallies alongside shots from her groundbreaking 1991 tour documentary Truth or Dare.

Images of LGBTQ+ heroes like Marsha P. Johnson flash next to clips of Madonna’s backup dancers getting emotional attending a Pride parade, while an instrumental of “Vogue” from her collab with Beyoncé on “Break My Soul: The Queens Remix” plays in the background.“When Truth or Dare was released in 1991 I had no idea it was going to cause such a stir.

But that could be said of most of the things I do!!” the 65-year-old diva captioned the video. “I simply wanted to capture the world.

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