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Twinks from hell, con artist lesbians & guncles who’ll make you ugly cry: 12 books to devour this Pride Month

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Queerty‘s got plenty of recommendations to help you discover your next great read. So go ahead. Fill your bookshelf with these 12 queer-centric books, most of which are written by LGBTQ authors…The Plot: Mark Lausson has everything he thought he wanted: a coveted job at elite Sawyer College in Ohio.

But at the start of his second year, stuck in a small town with deadlines piling up and paychecks falling short, Mark can already feel the fantasy crumbling.

And then, a few weeks in, sophomore Tyler Cunningham shows up in class. In Tyler—confident, mysterious, and popular—Mark glimpses another way of being in the world.

He finds Tyler’s self-possession both compelling and unsettling. Caught in the rush of sex and secrets, Mark ignores the increasing evidence that Tyler can’t be trusted.

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