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Lara Trump posts video of son crying on “character building” outing and everyone’s thinking the same thing

A video that Lara Trump, the wife of Eric Trump, posted to her Instagram, has gone viral.Lara, 39, a TV producer, lives with her kids and husband in Florida. Hurrican Ian, now dowgraded to a tropical storm, is still battering the state.Lara took her 5-year-old son, Luke, out before it started to rain heavily.

However, whilst out, the storm began to beat down. The little boy, on a kid’s tricycle, cries and is clearly just wanting to get home as soon as possible.Mom Lara tells him, “Oh my God, Luke.

It’s so much rain. Go, you can do it, let’s go.”Trump posted the video to her Instagram, saying, “Thought we had a clear window, turns out we did some character building instead

. politics

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