Kyle Rittenhouse: Last News

Hot Tennis Guys + Candace Parker's Big News + Gorsuch's Anti-Gay Anti-Vaxxerism + Films Of The Year + MORE! — 12-PACK

ABOVE: Follow my friend's IG if you like up-to-the-second celebrity photography.

BELOW: Gay-parent surprise, Sandy Hook anniversary, films of the year, Library of Congress movie picks and more ...

It's like he knows. (Image via KIT212)

KENNETH IN THE (212): Incredibly cute guys playing tennis or doing the things they do when they're not playing tennis.

EVERYTOWN.ORG: It has been nine years since the Sandy Hook massacre.

AUTOSTRADDLE: Candace Parker is gay, married and a mom.

i-D: Photographing gay youth across Russia.

LGBTQ NATION: Justice Gorsuch thinks vaccine mandates are illegal, and uses his virulently anti-LGBTQ interpretation of law to justify it.

Only 825 films are now in the Registry — among them, What Ever Happened to Baby

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