My new faith (and the Freakmas)
Hello, my beautiful, heartbroken people. I feel like I wrote a version of this eight years ago.
I didn’t want to talk about the political stuff, but I have a few things I need to say. I doubt I have anything new or poignant to add to the conversation that hasn’t already been said by someone smarter and more eloquent. All I can really add is … fucking nothing!
I give up!
Last go round with this shit, I got depressed. I got sad.
Eight years later, I am pissed. I am heartbroken and fueled with rage. If you voted for him, I want answers. Please, feel free to comment on this or send me a private message. I promise not to put you on blast if you are willing to communicate with me and can honestly answer a few questions.
Question One: When is enough, enough? Is there anything that person could do that would make you say, “No more I cannot support you or your antics anymore”?
I am genuinely shocked at how many of you can overlook his actions and put him in a position of power again. Maya Angelou said that when people show you who they really are, believe them the first time. He did that, and I thought we all got the memo.
When I was growing up, I had a patient and kind grandfather that has always been my moral compass. I remember being in the third grade and living in Corsicana with my Grandma and Pawaw, and he caught me teasing my Aunt Sparkie. (Yes, we are THAT country that I had an Aunt Sparkie.) Sparkie was only three years older than me and was the bane of my existence as a kid. She was a tattletale and her favorite phrase was, “Ooooh, I’m tellin’!”
I was supposed to be raking leaves in the front yard but was jumping into the pile of leaves and making a bigger mess than I was cleaning up. Sparkie, of course, said she was gonna tell on me if I didn’t pick up those leaves right now. I had had enough of her that beautiful fall day, so I stood up and said in a sing song voice…”Fatty, Fatty two-by-four; You’re a great big fucking whore!”
Cassie Nova
Maya Angelou