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The Native Son 101 List celebrates Black queer men who are disruptors creating change


It is a way of honoring the heroes among us who may or may not be featured in mainstream media, may or may not go viral on social media, and may or may not be seen outside of their existence.Native Son wanted to give our Brother’s their flowers.

So every year since 2020, we have compiled a list of 101 extraordinary Black gay/queer men who have made a difference in our world.

There is no science to this list.It is compiled, edited, revised, reviewed by a committee of Native Sons, added to, reworked, and created with love.

Subscribe to Native Son’s newsletter for more news, information, and conversations about Black gay and queer everything.A post shared by Native Son (@nativesonnow)The theme that repeatedly emerged with this year’s list is disruptors.

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