Well, we can all breathe a collective sigh of relief because Donald J. Trump has lost his reelection bid. Come Wednesday, January 20, 2021, our shared four-year nightmare will finally (finally!) be over.Well, at least it will be for most of us.For roughly 28% of LGBTQ voters, the nightmare is just beginning.
That’s how many queer people cast their ballots for Trump, according to exit surveys conduced by Edison Research for the National Election Pool.Needless to say, these folx are not taking Trump’s loss well…Joe Biden is not my president I will not rest until I know daddy trump is my president again‼️‼️ #maga #gaysfortrump #trump2020 #trumpwon #ivoted pic.twitter.com/ERIRFt536z— Christopher (@chraxl) November 7, 2020The woke gay left are.