ABOVE: Making gay waves. BELOW: Keep reading for gym bros fighting for dominance, Tom Daley calls for boycott, gay-basher sought and more ...
He's filming his back, bruh. (Image via TikTok @nicknush0) TOO FAB: How bizarre ... an infuriated gym rat filmed a guy working out, confronting him (with a gay slur, of course) for doing it shirtless.
I've never heard of this bothering anyone. Must be severely repressed: Also noteworthy: People who are confronted as directly as Nick was often have the presence of mind not to flip out and get violent, and I'm not sure I could do that, especially with his guns to back it up.
HUFF POST: GOPer Steve Scalise (R-Louisiana), the House Minority Whip, refuses to concede that Joe Biden won the presidential