A gay, out California state senator attended Folsom Street Fair this weekend, and conservatives are melting down over a photo he took at the event.State Sen.
Scott Wiener tweeted a photograph of himself shirtless with a group of men in various leather gear with the caption, "Happy Folsom Street Fair." Almost immediately, right-wing Twitter took notice and took exception to the elected official's participation.Mixed martial artist Jake Shields tweeted, "The same politician who kept your kid out of school for two years because covid is attending gay orgies during monkeypox.
Feel free to Google Folsom street fair and see the wonderful delights he’s enjoying."Wiener tells The Advocate that he had an excellent time at Folsom and that the attacks on him as a gay man, while not new, have gotten more extreme recently because society has given a particular element permission to spew its bigotry in public. "This has been going on for me for years," he says. "There are a number of pictures of me shirtless from as far back as 2016 that they'll recycle all the time.
It's just straight-up homophobia."He says that although there are straight people who attend the Folsom Street Fair, "they're attacking a gay man for being a gay man who is participating in a heavily LGBTQ+ event."He adds that the discomfort and antipathy toward queer male sexuality also stem from homophobia.