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Lesbian grandmas, gay fashion photographers & bisexual throuples: Spanish-language films to stream for Hispanic Heritage Month

Welcome to your weekend streaming recommendations, a.k.a. the Weekend Watch, a handy guide to the queerest film and TV content that’s just a click away!National Hispanic Heritage Month is recognized from September 15 – October 15 in the United States every year and celebrates Hispanic Americans’ contributions to culture and society.

In honor, we’ve curated some varied Spanish-language films to stream this weekend. From a devastating real-life romance to a farcical fairytale about finding love late in life, these movies explore the Hispanic experience through a queer lens.Read on for queer Spanish-language films to stream this weekend.This achingly beautiful love story, directed by Heidi Ewing, is based on a remarkable true story.

In I Carry You with Me, Iván (Armando Espitia), a young chef, and Gerardo (Christian Vázquez), meet at a nightclub and fall head over heels for each other.

But their families and community’s conservative beliefs threaten their budding romance. I Carry You With Me follows the tortured romance over decades as the men fight to be together, travel to the United States from Mexico, deal with tragedy and triumph and back again.

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